James Buckingham
James Buckingham is an educator, instructional designer and talent developer with 20+ years of experience as an educator in the Arab Gulf. He holds Master's degrees in Online and Distance Education, Adult Learning, and TEFL and has been a long-time advocate of scholarly-based and pedagogically grounded integration of education technology in EFL instruction. He designed and implemented TESOL Arabia's open digital badge program between 2015 and 2018 and continues to champion evidence-based, self-directed professional practice for educators.
Issues of online learning Assessment
Prepare for a less conventional conference presentation. Buckingham invites educators to directly engage with and experience the issue of online learning assessment. The aim is for participants to directly experience not an only online assessment but online PD in such a way that they gain the confidence to achieve the same with their own students. The method involves participation in 3 stages - before the conference, during the conference, and after the conference. Weeks prior to the Conference, participants are invited to engage in an online discussion thread to articulate their own experiences with online assessment. At the conference, participants are encouraged to attend Buckingham's presentation where he will then share his review of those findings to inform participants of practical strategies that they might use with their students. After the conference, participants are then invited to pilot these strategies in their own context and submit evidence of their application for assessment..