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BNB Need-Based Scholarship 2025 FOR FALL 2024

We are delighted to announce that applications for the BNB Need-Based Scholarship 2025 are now open! for the students of Fall 2024.This scholarship aims to support deserving students facing financial difficulties, ensuring they can continue their education without interruption.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. The applicant’s monthly household income must not exceed Rs. 70,000/-.
  2. Students receiving any other scholarship or grant are not eligible to apply.
  3. special quota is reserved for disabled candidates and minorities.
  4. A minimum of 75% marks in Intermediate examination.


Important Notes:

  • Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Providing false information regarding eligibility will result in disqualification from all the scholarships offered at BNB.
  • Selection will be based on a financial need assessment.


Download Application Form

The candidate is required to complete the online application form and submit a hard copy to the Financial Aid Office.

Note: Deadline for Application: 07/Feb/2025


We are pleased to inform you that Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) has announced a scholarship program aimed at supporting talented and deserving students from the districts of Mitiari, Sanghar, Kashmore, Rawalpindi, Chakwal, Gujar Khan, Attock and Jund. This initiative aims to provide financial assistance to students pursuing higher education, enabling them to fulfill their academic aspirations.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Minimum 60% marks in Intermediate
  • Maximum Age Limit 28 years
  • Candidate must demonstrate financial need

Online Application Link:

The candidate is required to complete the online application form and submit a hard copy to the Financial Aid Office.

Note: The final date to submit the online application form is February 17, 2025

The Financial Aid Office (FAO) Introduced BNBWU Need Cum Merit based Scholarship program for the students belonging to less privileged class of society who cannot afford to pay their fee due to financial Conditions. Students enrolled in undergraduate programs have equal opportunity to apply irrespective of any discrimination. BNBWU believes that no female should be deprived of getting merely on the grounds of inability to pay fee.


  1. The applicant's monthly household income must not exceed Rs. 70,000/-
  2. Students receiving any other scholarship or grant are not eligible to apply.
  3. A special quota is reserved for disabled candidates and minorities./li>
  4. A minimum of 75% marks in Intermediate examination.

Required Documents:

  • Copy of CNIC (Student & Guardian)
  • Student ID Card
  • Challan Copy
  • Copy of Intermediate Marks Sheet
  • Monthly income proof
  • Copy of House/Rent Documents

Scholarship Award Process

  1. Submit your application online through the BNBWU website.
  2. Ensure all information provided is accurate and up-to-date.
  3. Submit the completed application along with the required documents to the Financial Aid Office.

Important Notes:

  • Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Providing false information regarding eligibility will result in disqualification from all the scholarships offered at BNB.
  • Selection will be based on a financial need assessment.

Pakistan Bait –ul-mal (PBM) provides education assistance to the deserving poor students of Government Universities/Institute.


  1. Students studying on regular/merit basis in Government institutes are considered for education assistance.
  2. Monthly income up to Rs.30,000/-
  3. Application at PBM prescribed proforma along with copy of valid CNIC.
  4. Self-financed/self-sustained students and those studying in private institutes are not eligible under PBM policy.
  5. Students whose parents are Government servants are also ineligible for education assistance.

Scholarship Award Process

  1. Candidates must download Bonafide Certificate from link
  2. Bonafide certificate on PBM proforma from concerned govt institutions signed by Head of the Institution.
  3. Hard Copies of documents must be submitted to FAO.
  4. After Scrutiny of documents interviews will be conducted by the Pakistan Bait-ul-mal Interview Committee.
  5. Merit list will be displayed soon shared by Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM)

Scholarship covers: Tuition Fee, Library Fee, Transport charges, Examination Charges.


    The students must have:
  • The applicant must be a Pakistani National
  • Students must secure admission in the approved discipline at the participating institution as per admission policy of the institution and be enrolled in Undergraduate (4 Years or 5 Years) program
  • The eligibility of a candidate is linked to neediness of the candidate as determined by the financial background of his/her family
  • Not availing any other educational scholarship during the current academic year


    The following documents would be provided by the applicant for validation:
    • Attested Copies of
    • Academic documents copies
    • Applicant’s CNIC Copy/ B Form
    • Father’s / Guardian’s CNIC
    • Domicile (If not available then attach Father’s Domicile and slip of
  1. Photographs (Two passport size)
  2. Undertaking for Income Declaration (To be given on Rs.20-50 non-judicial stamp paper)
  3. Salary Slip / Income Certificate of Self/Father/Guardian
  4. Application Form filled and signed by applicant
  5. Certificate from institute that applicant is not availing any other scholarship for current academic session signed and stamped by institutional / department head/principal/Registrar on Letter Head.
  6. Proof of Hostel verified by Focal Person
Applicants should ensure that both their forms and supporting documents are submitted by 12/11/2024 to the Financial Aid Office.



  • Candidates Parent's income must not exceed Rs.74000/.
  • Must have scored 50% marks in the last 1 year examination.
  • Students getting any financial aid/scholarship from any other organization like PEEF, HEC and any NGO will not be eligible to apply.
  • Students must complete the online application form(along with required documents), print it out, and submit it to the Financial Aid Office.


  • Copy of duly filled in application duly attested by head of institution.
  • Attested(from Examination Dept) Copies of Marksheets of last 02 semesters
  • Father/Guardian's Income Certificate in original.
  • Attested Copies of CNIC/Nadra B-Form of the applicant
  • Copy Of cheque leaf(For Verification of Account Number)
Deadline for Online application form is 05/Nov/2024

The Global UGRAD program is designed to award undergraduate Pakistani students enrolled at a university in Pakistan. The Global UGRAD-Pakistan program offers cultural/academic exchange through a non-degree program for a semester at a university in the U.S.


  • Pakistani citizens.
  • Applicants should be between 18-24 years old by the deadline
  • Currently enrolled in a college or university in Pakistan and committed to returning to their home university following the completion of the program
  • Applicants must be in their 14th year(3rd Or 4th semester) of formal education
  • Applicants are required to submit current/most recent, and old transcripts with application

How to Apply?
    Exchange Grant :
  1. The grant funds tuition, text books, airfare, a living stipend, accommodation and health insurance.
  2. Selection Process :
  3. Applications will be reviewed in four stages:
    • Round 1: All applications will be screened by USEFP staff for completeness and minimum qualifications.
    • Round 2: Complete applications that meet the minimum qualifications will be evaluated according to a set of established criteria and short listed.
    • Round 3: In-person interviews of short-listed applicants will take place in Islamabad between January and February. The interview panels are made up of both U.S. and Pakistani citizens.
    • Round 4: Final candidates and alternates will be selected in April-May. Applicants who have become finalists or alternates will be notified by telephone. Those who have not will be notified by mail.

Deadline for the Online Application Process is September 24,2024.

  1. Student can apply only once
  2. Applicants having 75% marks in matric and 70% marks in Intermediate and minimum CGPA 2.5
  3. Students getting any financial aid/scholarship from any other organization like PEEF, HEC and any NGO will not be eligible to apply.
  4. All fields are compulsory to fill. Mention “NA” in fields that are irrelevant as per your application. If a field is left empty in form, the application will not submit.
  5. Upload all images that are required in application form. (Maximum size 2MB in JPG file format).
  1. Photocopy of Applicant’s CNIC. (If Applicable)
  2. Photocopy of Father’s/Guardian’s CNIC.
  3. Recent Photograph. (Not older than 03 months)
  4. Photocopy of recent Electricity Bill.
  5. Photocopy of Father/Mother/Brother/Sister’s Pension Book/Salary Slip.
  6. Photocopy of all previous marksheets.
  7. Photocopy of fee slip (Last semester/year)
  8. Bonafide Certificate (Must Mention course start and ending date)
  9. Iqrar Nama (on stamp paper worth Rs.50, duly attested by the Notary Public/Oath Commissioner as and when asked by the office i.e,after approval of their application for grant of scholarship)
Deadline for Online application form is 31/Oct/2024

The Scotland Pakistan Scholarship for Young Women and Girls 2024, announced by the British Council and funded by the Scottish Government, is designed to support female students in Pakistan. This scholarship is available to students enrolled in any Higher Education Commission (HEC) recognized university across Pakistan.


  1. Be Pakistani nationals currently residing in Pakistan.
  2. Be pursuing a four-year bachelor’s degree/2 Years MS program.
  3. Hold a confirmed admission offer from an HEC recognised university in Pakistan.

The Award

  • Tuition fees for courses in eligible fields
  • University hostel costs (where applicable)
  • Travel to and from home to university two times a year for students staying in on-campus hostels

Subject Areas

  • The scholarship will cover a four-year bachelor’s degree/Two years MS-Program at an HEC-recognised Pakistani public university in one of the following subject areas only:
  • Education
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Food Security and Agriculture
  • Health Sciences

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Sindh Educational Endowment Fund Scholarship has been announced by the government of Sindh for the academic year 2023-24. All the registered students of DPT/BBA/BS Computer Science/BS English who are not availing any scholarship are eligible for this scholarship program. The detail process for applying is mentioned below;


  1. Applicant must be registered student of our University having Sindh Province Domicile
  2. Applicant must be having 2.50 GPA or 60%

How to Apply?


  • Gather all the required document mentioned in attached Annexure-A
  • Step-02

  • Scan all the documents and make single pdf of all documents.
  • Step-03

  • Follow the link and fill the form. You are required to upload a single pdf of all scanned documents in online form.
  • Step-04

  • Download filled form and attach all required documents. Please remember you are required to submit a hard copy of the form with required documents at the Financial Aid office.

Deadline for the Online Application Process is 15-Oct-2024

Hunarmand , a reputed international organization has announced fifty thousand scholarships to promote quality education.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Minimum 2.5 CGPA required.
  • Detailed instructions for filling out the application form are available on the website.
  • Specific quotas for different regions: Azad Kashmir (10%), Gilgit Baltistan (10%), Balochistan (10%), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (15%), Sindh (15%), Punjab (20%), and FATA (10%).
  • Online Application Submission at

The deadline for application submission is June 15, 2024.

The Financial Aid Office (FAO) is pleased to announce the "QUAID-E-AZAM ALIGARH SCHOLARSHIP 2024 for the Students enrolled in all BS/MS & M/phil Programs. Make sure to carefully review the eligibility criteria:


  1. Candidates neither received nor applied for any other scholarship nor Qarz-e-Hasna from any source
  2. Must obtained CGPA 3.00 or above.

Documents Required

Following documents must be attached along with the Application Form:

  1. Copy Of student CNIC
  2. Copy of Father/Guardian CNIC
  3. One Passport size Photograph
  4. Copy of student ID Card
  5. Copy of Fee structure
  6. Copy Of Last semester Grade sheet
  7. Intermediate and Matriculation Marksheet
  8. Copy Of Domicile
  9. Semester Fee Challan and Hostel Fee challan(if applicable)
  10. Father Payslip/Income Certificate
  11. An affidavit duly notarized and counter signed by the Director Of Finance stating that you have neither received nor applied for any other scholarship during the current year. (Format attached)

Scholarship Award Process

Application Form must be filled in block letters, further for any query feel free to contact Financial Aid Office(FAO) Deadline for the submission of Application form along with the required documents is 30/04/2024 (Tuesday)

The Financial Aid Office (FAO) is pleased to announce the "BALOCHISTAN EDUCATION ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIP(BEEF) Out Of Province Scholarship Program 2023-24" for the Local/Domiciled Students of Balochistan Province enrolled in all BS/MS & M/phil Programs .Make sure to carefully review the eligibility criteria and application requirements.


  1. Local/Domiciled students of Balochistan
  2. Secured at least 60% marks or 3.00 CGPA in last semester.
  3. Students availing any other scholarship are not eligible.
  4. No individual Scholarship Application Form will be accepted.

Documents Required

Following documents must be attached with BEEF Application Form

  1. Copy Of student CNIC
  2. Copy of Father/Guardian CNIC
  3. Copy Of Required Grade sheet
  4. Copy Of Domicile
  5. Two Passport size Photos

Scholarship Award Process

BEEF Advertisement & Application form attached below.Hard Copy of application form along with the required documents must be submitted till 5th-APRIL-2024.

If you have any query regarding the application process , eligibility criteria regarding BEEF Scholarship Process , please feel free to contact the Financial Aid Office (FAO).

The District Administration Khairpur announces the Need-Cum-Merit Scholarship each year for the talented and deserving students of the Khairpur District.


  1. Only Merit based.
  2. Candidate must have Domicile and Permanent Resident Certificate (PRC) of the Khairpur District.
  3. Applying candidates must possess 75%/3.00 CGPA marks in their last examination passed.

Scholarship Award Process

  1. Candidates intended to apply must download the application form from our official website.
  2. Submit complete documents as per instructions mentioned application form.

Scholarship covers: Stipend Amount Rs.30000/-

Final Selected Candidates For Food Financial Support Program 2024

List for Students:
(View List)

The Government of Pakistan and the Higher Education Commission (HEC) announced Benazir (formerly. Ehsaas) Undergraduate Scholarship Program facilitates students enrolled in different Undergraduate Programs.


  1. Admission secured on merit only.
  2. Monthly income must not be more than Rs.45000.
  3. Age limit set by institution's regulations, i.e. the maximum age of the eligibility for the scholarship is the same as the maximum age for applying for admission in undergraduate programs at the HEI.
  4. Students availing any other scholarship are ineligible.
  5. Secured admission on self-sustain/ self-support/ self-finance basis.

Scholarship Award Process

  1. All students are required to apply through online system and submit the application form.
  2. Applicants are required to submit hard copies of the application form along with the supporting documents to the financial aid office of the university by the given deadline.
  3. The Scrutiny Committee of the university will short list all candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria, based on the information provided in their applications.
  4. Scholarship funding shall continue for next semester/ year subject to satisfactory academic performance.
  5. The Institutional Scholarship Award Committee (ISAC) of the universities will interview/ recommend potential applicants for the award of scholarship.

Scholarship covers:Tuition Fee+ Stipend (Rs.40000)

It provides merit based scholarships to students studying in different Universities across the Pakistan.


  1. Students must secured at least 60% marks at all levels.

Scholarship Award Process

  1. Students applying, fill out the Online Scholarship Application Form and send scan documents through Email at
  2. Application Review Time 20-30 days
  3. After approval Cheques will be dispatched.

Scholarship covers:Stipend Amount

Students Testimonials

Events Highlights

Note: Financial Aid Portal will be available soon.